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Take one for the Trails Calendar Project

A celebration of our spectacular trails and the moments of joy and happiness they bring as we run, hike, walk and/or bike these tracks.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this project and to all those who purchased a calendar in support!  It is our hope that we continue to build and connect our wonderful trail community through these strange and challenging times and beyond!

This project resulted in a donation of $1000 to the Chilliwack Park Society!

The Park Society is a non-profit organization supporting trail building, maintenance and advocacy in Chilliwack and the surrounding Fraser Valley region.  The Park Society provides outdoor education and learning opportunities for local youth, and partners with other organizations to collaborate on all things trails.  To learn more about the Park Society or how to get involved, visit their website.

Thank You Partners & Retailers!

The ‘Take one for the Trails’ Calendar project is truly a collaboration among partners! Not only will you find amazing photos of our beloved trails taken by outdoor enthusiasts just like you, but there are also tons of cool promos and discounts (a mix of online and in-store) from all of our partners!

Calendars are now sold out for 2021.

Thank you to the following local retailers for making calendars available for purchase:

  • All Things Being Eco – 7388 Vedder Road, Unit 105, Chilliwack
  • Garrison Running Co – 45590 Market Way, Unit 2, Chilliwack
  • Kintec Footwear & Orthotics – 5725 Vedder Road, Unit 21, Chilliwack
  • Kintec Footwear & Orthotics – 1707 Salton Road, Unit 3, Abbotsford
  • Luna Float – 45645 Tamahi Way, Unit 101, Chilliwack
  • Mt. Waddington’s Outdoors – 5643 Vedder Road, Chilliwack

Our project began with a photo contest

Our hope was (and continues to be!) to encourage one and all to get outdoors and connect with paths less travelled.  Even though we can’t be together in person during this time, we want to continue to share our appreciation for the trails as part of a bigger community digitally!  We asked photographers of all ages, disciplines, those learning, or just shooting for fun, to show us their artwork and how they enjoy the trails!

We also welcomed photos of the trails from past days and years, for those who may have needed to stay inside during this time.  Rather than heading out, we asked this group to take a walk, run or stroll down memory lane instead!  After all, trails are timeless!

All photographs submitted became available for online voting to select thirteen photos  (every calendar has a cover!) for our first ever 2021 Trails Calendar!

The winning photos that will be featured in the 2021 calendar appear below.  Hover over each photo to read the winning photographers name and description and click to see a large scale version of each photo!

Thank you to the following partners who made contributions in support of this project:
All things being eco
Garrison Running Co.
Luna Float
Old Yale
Trails BC