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community forest trail chilliwack

Community Partners

At Peaks-n-Valleys, part of our mission is to build community. To build community we must support each other by working together, sharing in our successes and giving back where we can.

We donate a portion of all registration fees to our community partner(s) and also collect donations from participants during the registration process. In return, the community partner helps us out with our events so that we all share in success together. It’s a win – win relationship! As our events grow, so will our community partners!

Chilliwack Park Society 

Our friends at the Chilliwack Park Society demonstrate the true meaning of coming together and building community. They are a non-profit, volunteer driven organization whose mission is to build, promote and maintain parks and trails in Chilliwack, while promoting outdoor physical activity.

Chilliwack Park Society is active in all facets of building and providing for outdoor adventure, from playgrounds to parks to hiking and biking trails to providing live educational experiences in the wild for kids and adults alike.

The lands of Chilliwack and our surrounding mountain peaks and valleys have a rich natural and cultural history. The Park Society brings all levels of governments, First Nations, groups and community members together to embrace the true meaning of community and to respect and share in the beauty and spirit of the ancient lands surrounding us.

We look forward to ‘running’ alongside the Chilliwack Park Society in our journey!

link to Chilliwack Park Society website